Posted here, Due on the 13th. This is worth 70 of the 200 total points in the class. This is a great opportunity for us to use the discussion board, guys. Enjoy!


Vista Music 15B - Final Exam

Choose three questions from those listed below and write a two paragraph summary for each question. Please be concise. Return exams to Professor Douglas on Monday, May 13, 2002.

1. How did gospel transform rhythm and blues in the fifties? What was Ray Charles' role in the merge of blues and gospel?

2. Who were the major figures in rock and roll? What were they doing around 1960?

3. What impact did technological innovation have on rock, its creative process, and its dissemination?

4. Rock absorbs influences from many other styles. What syles did the following artists bring into rock: Bob Dylan, the Beatles, Jimmy Hendrix?

5. Choose either Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Charlie Parker, or Miles Davis. Describe how his music fits into the history of jazz. What were his major innovations? How did he differ from other players?

6. List some of the characteristics of the New Orleans style. What is its typical instrumentation? How do the instruments interact?

7. In what ways has Latin music influenced the sound of jam styles? What has been its influence on instrumentation, rhythm, and texture?

8. What other musical features besides the beat typically distinguish rock and jam styles?

9. How broad is the stylistic range of African-American music in the sixties? What are some of the key differences between James Brown and the Motown groups?


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