Discussion Board

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If you would like to participate using your own name and password, please e-mail me with your name so I can add you as a participant.

I'm also providing this general log-in, but if you use it, please sign your name to the discussion so that people can respond to you directly.

The User Name is : student
The Password is : vista

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Start your own topic. A discussion board is only as interesting as the people who participate. That means if it's boring to you, you need to SPICE it up. Start your own topic.


* This web page is a creation of one of the students taking Mr. Otis's course, and does not necessarily represent the views or policies of Vista College, its administration, or the professors or students in this course. I expect visitors to this page to conduct themselves in a manner acceptable to community standards, using good etiquette and respecting each other. I also welcome critical dialogue and dissent. You may participate in our discussion, or e-mail me directly at NicoMo@aol.com, but I do appreciate your participation within these guidelines. Thank you!