Red Beans & Rice Recipe - by Johnny Otis

This is loosely a quotation from Johnny on how to make Red Beans & Rice:

There are two ways to do red beans & rice. With meat. And no meat. If you want to do it vegetarian style, just leave out the meat!

Clean the beans. Wash them. Put them in a pot and fill it with water till it's 2 inches above the beans. Let it sit overnight.

Add 1/2 T. salt, 1/2 t. cayenne, a couple bay leaves, ham hocks, no onions, but lots of garlic, & black pepper to taste. Cook it, boil it, till the ham hocks are falling off the bone. Or until the beans are soft if you do it that way.

Pour it over a bowl of rice.

(Mrs. Zialcita, by the way, says that she cooks the beans really slowly, and that she adds bell peppers. She sautes all that first before adding it to the beans. She added Bay Leaves only because that's the way Johnny likes them.)


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